Recal Travel is excited to announce our partnership with Transformational Travel Council (TTC) as an Ally. We believe our shared philosophy—the power of travel as a catalyst for deepening human connection—holds immense potential for positive transformation, both in the lives of travelers and within the communities we visit.

As proponents of mindful travel, we recognize our responsibility to reflect on our practices and continually improve them. This means becoming leaders in accountability. We can do this by listening to communities in which we operate, as well as ensuring our adventures are safe and welcoming spaces for all participants, regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, or size. Furthermore, we acknowledge the need to advocate for the rights of BIPOC, as they have historically not been given equitable access to travel and the outdoors. Our belief at Recal Travel is that the adherence to these standards allows for a more holistic and transformative experience for all involved.
One of the definitive characteristics of life-changing experiences is moving consciously into new and unknown territory, and engaging the unfamiliar with the intention of simply understanding it. This model is at the base of every adventure we craft, a guiding principle in our philosophy and strategy for growth. While we continue to build our reputation, alliances with proven partners like TTC allow us to learn from seasoned experts who rejoice in our passion for transformative travel and offer guidance based on quality research.
We look forward to sharing future initiatives that uphold TTC’s mission of providing outlets for genuinely transformative travel experiences. Recal’s adventures are infused with mindfulness stimulating activities like travel journaling, guided meditation, breathwork, and more to help you recover from stress and burnout. These activities are not intended to simply provide momentary escapism, they are designed to act as foundational steps toward achieving transformation of our minds and bodies.
As we move through changing times and myriad challenges, the value of experiences that ground us in humility and compassion is increasingly apparent. The progression of the travel industry is destined to soon require a network of those who are well versed with crafting itineraries that provide greater authenticity and submersion in the experience. With our move into the network of Allies at Transformational Travel Council, we are proud to be on the cutting edge of this industry-wide change towards more intentional travel design.