Unlock Peak Endurance with Respiratory Muscle Training
Get More From Your Endurance Training by Incorporating Respiratory Muscle Training: Insights from the Research
When you think of endurance training, your mind likely jumps to long cardiovascular training, heart rate zones and your aerobic threshold, and the occasional strength training. But here’s a little curveball: what if a little-known secret to maximizing your stamina and endurance doesn’t lie in your legs or heart but in your lungs?
Enter: Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) and the proven research behind it.
RMT is no longer just for elite athletes at specialized facilities or mountaineers training for the thin air at 5,000 meters; it’s accessible for anyone looking to build stamina and endurance. We recently published an article on RMT (if you haven’t read that, we encourage you to do so), and in this article we go deeper into the research and science. Enjoy.
The Science Behind RMT: More Than Just Deep Breathing
Dr. Mitch Lomax’s research has turned the spotlight on the unsung heroes of endurance—your respiratory muscles. Studies, including her ground-breaking papers Inspiratory muscle training, altitude, and arterial oxygen desaturation: a preliminary investigation and Inspiratory muscle warm-up and inspiratory muscle training: separate and combined effects on intermittent running to exhaustion, reveal that RMT doesn’t just make you a better breather; it enhances your overall performance by improving the efficiency of your respiratory system. Imagine running or cycling with less effort while maintaining—or even increasing—your pace. That’s what RMT brings to the table.
By focusing on the strength and endurance of the muscles you use to breathe, RMT helps you take in more oxygen with every breath. And more oxygen means better performance during your endurance training. The key takeaway? Your diaphragm and intercostal muscles aren’t just there for decoration; they play a crucial role in how well you perform.
RMT and Altitude Training: A Match Made in High Heaven
Altitude training is a staple for athletes looking to push their limits and has been proven to have significant results, including higher maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) and hemoglobin (red blood cell) levels. And with Recal’s High Altitude Breathwork Training, you can bring those results to you – at any elevation. RMT is a key ingredient in making these improvements a reality. When you’re gasping for air at higher altitudes, your respiratory muscles are working overtime. RMT prepares these muscles to handle the strain, helping you improve oxygen levels in the blood even when the air is thin (or…at any elevation!)
The result? You adapt more quickly to altitude, maintain your performance levels, and stave off that dreaded altitude sickness. So, the next time you’re planning to train in the mountains, remember that RMT is your secret weapon to improving your oxygen levels in the blood and keeping hypoxia at bay.
Build Stamina and Endurance: How to Incorporate RMT Into Your Training
Incorporating RMT into your endurance training regimen is like upgrading your car’s engine while keeping the same fuel efficiency. It’s a no-brainer. As research suggests, strengthening your respiratory muscles enhances your ability to sustain prolonged physical activity with less perceived effort. This means you can train harder, recover faster, and ultimately, perform better.
The beauty of RMT is in its simplicity; a few minutes a day of focused breathing exercises can make a world of difference. RMT includes both inspiratory and expiratory muscle training.
To put this into practice, incorporating specific respiratory muscle training exercises is key. One effective exercise is inspiratory muscle training using air resistance to build your inspiratory muscles. You can use a handheld device like an inspiratory muscle trainer (IMT) (like the SportsMask or POWERBreathe), or simply block one nostril, and do two sets of 30 deep breaths. If you’re using a device, shoot for ~50% of your maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). This routine helps to condition your respiratory muscles, leading to improvements in endurance during both altitude training and general endurance training. Research suggests that consistent use of these exercises can lead to a 15% improvement in inspiratory muscle strength within 4-6 weeks.
For a full list of exercises you can consider, check out our previous article on Respiratory Muscle Training for the Mountain Athlete

Build Stamina and Endurance: How to Incorporate RMT Into Your Training Research-backed Results from Respiratory Muscle Training
From the research, participants who engaged in regular RMT saw a significant increase in oxygen saturation levels during high-altitude exposure—some by as much as 10%. This is a game-changer for those who struggle with altitude sickness or fatigue during altitude training.
Moreover, the study found that athletes who integrated RMT into their endurance training protocols experienced a 12% improvement in their VO2 max, allowing them to literally breathe easier and push their endurance limits further. When combined with other endurance and altitude training techniques, RMT helps you build stamina and endurance more effectively, and importantly, improves the oxygen level in your blood, making it easier to perform at your peak.
Breathwork Training: How to Get Started
If you’re looking to integrate these techniques into your training but aren’t sure where to start, Recal’s breathwork training program is designed with these principles in mind. Our program leverages the latest research—including Dr. Lomax’s ground-breaking studies—to help you unlock more endurance, optimize your performance, and thrive at high altitude.
We offer a structured approach that includes altitude training exercises (intermittent hypoxic hypercapnic training for example) and respiratory muscle training exercises, scientifically proven to improve oxygen saturation in the blood, enhance VO2 max, and build stamina and endurance. Whether you’re preparing for altitude training or simply looking to elevate your endurance training game, our program ensures you’re equipped with the tools to breathe easier and perform better.
And because we know that life doesn’t slow down, our training sessions are designed to be easily integrated into your existing routine – roughly 15-20 minutes per day in bite-sized nuggets that can act as a warm-up or cool-down from your other fitness training.
Final Thoughts: Breathing Your Way to Peak Performance
Respiratory Muscle Training is the often-overlooked component that can take your endurance and altitude training to the next level. The research underscores the importance of breathing as a critical aspect of performance. So, if you’re serious about endurance training, it’s time to pay attention to the muscles that power your lungs. With RMT, you’re not just breathing—you’re optimizing your oxygen intake, boosting your stamina, and setting yourself up for success, whether at sea level or above the clouds.
~ Message from Recal ~
Thanks for stopping by our blog. Here at Recal, we offer breathwork-based coaching to help you prepare for life’s greatest endeavors.
The latest program we offer is High Altitude Breathwork Training to get you ready for the mountain, even if you live at sea level. We also created Guidebook to use as a daily journaling tool; it has helped leaders around the world live more focused and fulfilling lives.
If you’re curious about our Guides, click the links below to submit your information and receive a free digital copy:
We also have a strategic partnership with Oxygen Advantage and use their products (like mouth tape for sleep and SportsMask for altitude training) to help our community become better leaders through breathwork training and proper breathing habits. You can view their online breath courses and products by clicking here.
We stand by the things that we offer and promote – and proudly use them ourselves.
If you have any questions, we’re here to help: email us at hi@recaltravel.com.